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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Prevention of School Violence

                                            Prevention of School Violence.pdf/adobe acrobat
The pdf shown above gives detailed information about preventing school violence that can affect children, teenagers, and young adults.

Verbal Abuse

Practically everyone has heard some phrases like "you never do anything right" or "you retard", and if it happens constantly, you might feel the urge to kill yourself. Verbal abuse is now one of the greatest hazards that schools just cannot control. These quotes that were shown earlier are said nearly everyday, causing the victim to have low self-esteem, depression, and thoughts of suicide. You may think that people should just take whatever insult head on and get over it, but being insulted at a daily basis hurts the victim dramatically. They are like gun shots going through you causing pain that could eventually destroy you, ending your life. It is usually used as a way to intimidate and show someone that he or she is not to be me taken lightly.


Fighting is a type of bullying which includes physical force to a victim.It was shown how a bully could be intimidating and making sure that someone got the message of who he is. It is now a publicity stunt used to get hits on youtube and other video websites. This is publicised to the entire world showing about hundreds of views and comments that encourage this violent act of publicity. Fights are being publicised by websites that show when, where, and who is fighting, so these fights are intentionally made to get peoples attention. The fighting not only injured the people who were fighting and making them popular with their video, but it affected america's view of children's "spare time" away from home causing worry and acknowledgement of what kids do in their "spare time."


Cyber bullying is when a a child, preteen, or teen is tormented, threatened, harrased, humiliated, and emberassed because their is another child, preteen, or teen using the internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phone. It is used to ruin someone's life by posting photos, videos, or comments that emotionally hurt them. Once it is posted on a website, it is left for the whole world to see which can ruin someone's reputation at home, school, work, etc., and there is no way to get rid of it. The effects of this could alter someone's life and make them an "outsider" for the rest of their life and make people feel depressed, angry, unloved, and thoughts to commit suicide. People can use the information you put online against you and make your life miserable because wherever you go, you can't escape the insults and the mocking because "the internet just tattooed what you are on your forehead." It must be controlled before more young children and adults believe that there is no other way to escape it; that death may be the only answer to clear this pain.

Monday, May 21, 2012


Bullying- intentional harm or harassment that is directed toward vulnerable targets and is typically repeated. It encompasses a wide range of malevolent agressive behaviours which damage the person physically or mentally. Everyone has been bullied at some point, wether being excluded by the student population or being harassed by a bully. It is hard to deal with a problem like this because the bully almost never listens to reason and keeps trying prove something by picking on a vulnerable target. The people who get bullied usually never get rid of the bully and it can cause stress, low grade performance, and suicide, all because the bully wouldn't stop.

School Shootings

School shootings are a lethal type of school violence that always leads to serious injury or death. This type of violence atractted the public's attention due to the rise of deaths and murders that were started in far locations. The string of tragedies forced the United States to acknowledge the serious problem of youth violence. The common theme in these "episodes" was a perception of the perpatrators as outsiders who had been ridiculed and teased by their peers. Some people think that it was a way to get attention of the perp's suffering since some of these horendous actions would be displayed in the "good" schools or schools that would have never had thought to experience the catastrophe of students, teachers, and school workers being shot by a burning, hot bullet. There have been some other factors locating these shootings in urban schools, found in poor inner cities, who have been known to cause trouble over the years.